Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mulling Things Over

Im mulling over what to do with the new technology we have been learning about and how to best apply it to my classroom instruction. After spending time reviewing the various resources, I feel that I have to select one or two technology applications and try to use them.

I did enjoy reviewing cartoons on issues and see potential for using them. But, I have to figure out how to put together a package of material that can be understandable and organized. This is the challenge. Right now, I feel I have a variety of possible tools to use, but haven't yet figured out how to make a seamless product.

I have found the feedback for classmates and teacher to be useful. Thanks.


  1. I find that the time needed to learn even one of the tools is huge. I've spent about 8 hours all together creating a Glog, figuring out how to embed a YouTube video into it, and getting it on my iGoogle and Blog. The tools would be nicer if the learning curves weren't so lengthy.

  2. Mary, I feel the same way. Again, new tools are great but applying them will take some thought, paticularly when our students technological know-how is so diversified.. I also don't want to have to train them on these new technologies if I can avoid it. I just don't feel that I have the time in class.

  3. Once I buy into the value of a tool or skill, I don't mind investing time into learning to use or develop it. And, the more I use it, the better I get at it, and the shorter the time investment is each time I use it. It took me a long time to learn to type, and now I prefer keyboarding to writing by hand. It took a while to learn how to drive, and I drive now more than I walk. I hated practicing the piano when I was young, and now it is my favorite form of relaxation.
    My students, American and foreign, greatly enjoy using technology. Many of them use it almost intuitively and require very little instruction in it. It is a part of their lives and they wonder why it isn't used more by their instructors.
